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Global Perspective

Global Perspective is the ability to recognize and address issues that are outside our national perspective. Issues are viewed without any pre-set biases or limitations. Being objective, utilizing a broad framework in making judgments in domestic and international activities. Ability to see the "big picture".
An employee demonstrating this competency:
  • Has global experience: considers problems and opportunities from a global perspective
  • Understands group strategy, the role of the local business: "walks the talk"
  • Culturally aware and demonstrates ability to conduct business in local terms
  • Understands and takes into account global and local impacts on day-to-day activities
  • Aligns global strategy and tactics w/local considerations
  • Keeps abreast of global influences on the local business
  • Role model for staff on global initiatives
  • Aligns and manages local interests with global considerations
  • Proactive - prepares locally to support global activities
  • Empathetic and sensitive to global issues, but may lack international experience
Importance of this Competency
To maintain global competitiveness, changing circumstances are demanding global strategic visions and new organizational structures are conceptualized, articulated and implemented by managers. The company is a reflection of its employees, and as such, leaders need to have a global perspective.
General Considerations in Developing this Competency
In order to develop this competency, one must first set aside any and all negative, preconceived, notions, biases, and ideas. This will allow the individual to fully understand and appreciate the inherent differences that exist within all cultures. Once this is done, the individual should begin to acquire information and knowledge about other cultures, in an effort to conceptualize the mores, norms, values and business practices of those given cultures.
Practicing this Competency
  • Acquire as much knowledge as possible through various media sources, such as the internet, periodicals, and television. Immerse yourself in different cultures by traveling, or joining groups and/or organizations with a variety of cultures. When given the chance, listen to other people’s experiences and view points as they pertain to a specific cultural group, then experience this same group and see in your experience what was similar or dissimilar.
Obtaining Feedback
Ask persons from different cultures how knowledgeable you seem in regards to different geo-social, geo-economic, and geo-political issues. This will be your best gauge to assess your progress.
Learning from Experts
Identify people within your organization who are from other cultures. Discuss both business and social topics with them. See things from their perspective. Look for differences in the way they would handle and interpret different situations. Ask experts in international business to help you understand the interaction between world events, global business and your business. Spend time with natives of foreign countries, discussing the differences and similarities of your respective backgrounds.
Coaching Suggestions for Managers
If you are coaching someone who is trying to develop the compentency, you can:
  • Assign the person to work on projects with others from diverse backgrounds, countries and cultures. Build in international travel, where possible. Provide pre and post project briefings and debriefings regarding cultural opportunities and pitfalls.
  • Help the person develop a proactive plan for developing a global perspective.
  • Give the person feedback on his/her behaviors and performances where there was an opportunity for the demonstration of a global perspective.
Sample Development Goals
By July 1, I will attend a meeting of the local World Trade Organization or international chamber of commerce – to learn and network.

By end of the third quarter, I will complete a Spanish (or other foreign language) class.

By the end of this month, I will subscribe to and read The Economist on a regular basis.

Each week, I will read about and/or learn about a different culture. This may include going to lunch with someone from a country/culture different from mine.
Development Resources


Building the New American Economy: Smart, Fair, and Sustainable, by Jeffrey Sachs. 152 pages. Columbia University Press, 2017.

Designing the Global Corporation, by Jay R. Galbraith. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass, 2000.

Global Dreams: Imperial Corporations and the New World Order, by Richard J. Barnet. New York, NY: Touchstone, 2002.

Globalization: A Short History. Osterhammel and Petersen. 200 pages. Princeton University Press, 2005.

Globalization: A Very Short Introduction, by Manfred Steger. 176 pages. Oxford University Press; 4 edition, 2017.

Global Teams: How Top Multinationals Span Boundaries and Cultures With High-Speed Teamwork, by Michael J. Marquardt. Washington, DC: Davies-Black Publishers, 2001.

Implementing Global Performance Measurement Systems, by Ferdinand Tesoro & Jack Tootson. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass, 2000.

Managing the Global Corporation: Case Studies in Strategy and Management, by Jose de la Torre, Yves L. Doz, & Timothy Devinney. Columbus, OH: McGraw-Hill/Irwin, 2000.

Panic Rules! : Everything You Need to Know About the Global Economy, by Robin Hahnel. Cambridge, MA: South End Press, 2000.

The Ages of Globalization: Geography, Technology, and Institutions, Jeffrey Sachs. 280 pages. Columbia University Press, 2020.

The Fifth Paradigm: A 21st Century Strategy for America, Joel Cawley. 313 pages. Cawley Publisher, 2019.

The Levelling: What's Next After Globalization, by Michael O’Sullivan. 368 pages. PublicAffairs, 2019.

The Trillion-Dollar Enterprise: How the Alliance Revolution Will Transform Global Business, by Cyrus F. Freidheim. New York, NY: Basic Books, 2001.

World 3.0: Global Prosperity and How to Achieve It, by Pankaj Ghemawat. Boston, MA: Harvard Business Press, 2011.

Supply Chain Management: A Global Perspective, Nada Sanders. 448 pages. Wiley, 2011.


Coursera Online Courses

findcourses.com Educations Media Group (EMG). 20+ courses

EdX. University courses, programs, degrees.

LinkedIn Learning. Online courses.

Cultural Intelligence Self- Study Modules. Transnational Management Association..

Global Leadership and Management Essentials.. Nine hours online.. Thunderbird, The American Graduate School of International Management. Tel. 800 457-6959.

Global Leadership Skills: Journey to Cultural Intelligence. Seven-hour online. AMS.

A Whole New Way: Leadership for a Global World. Four hour on-demand video. Udemy.

See Appendix
